Understanding Thrush in Horse’s Hoofs
Many factors go into the right conditions to allow thrush to thrive in a horse’s hoof. Let’s go over some of them.
Thrush, also known as Black Hole, Seedy Toe, Wall Fungus, or Gravel Pockets. Thrush is an anaerobic bacteria that lives in all dirt. So this is the absence of oxygen that this bacteria will thrive in, and moisture is vital. Now we know what it is and how it can grow in a hoof.
Horses stand in manure, urine, and dirt that gets packed into the hoof. A well-functioning hoof, just by walking or running during a ride or turnout, will shed the dirt that packs in the hoof, allowing oxygen to kill the exposed surface thrush. When the horse stands in the stall, there is insufficient movement to clean the bottom of the hoof and oxygenate the tissue.
This is why farriers say to pick out your hoof regularly. I have been asked why my horse has thrush. His stall is clean and extremely dry; what is causing him to have thrush? Simple, you ride in the dirt, a horse’s hoof has internal moisture, and you have the perfect combination for thrush.
Conditions of Thrush in Horses
Horses get thrush problems from poor hygiene, moisture, and dirt. It’s challenging to realize the seriousness of something that appears so subtle, but due to the horse’s hoof construction, it can be dangerous if not dealt with properly with Outlaw Thrush Stuff. Horse hoof thrush can cause excruciating pain and lameness.
Characteristics of Thrush in Horses
Thrush is relatively easy to diagnose based on the telltale dark, blackish discharge and foul odor similar to yeast or sour bread rising odor. The bacteria breaking down the hoof tissue can lead to pain in the hoof capsule, bruising, and general discomfort for the horse.
If you smell a foul odor while picking your horse’s feet, chances are he has contracted hoof thrush, a frog-eating, anaerobic bacteria. It would help if you treated the thrush in the horse’s hooves as soon as you noticed the first sign of this menace with Outlaw Thrush Stuff.
The Outlaw Thrush Stuff Product
Outlaw Thrush Stuff products consist of an 8oz bottle made for all stages of thrush up to the most severe cases. Its proprietary blend of ingredients is strong enough to be 100% effective. We have designed it to be the same viscosity as water to penetrate all the nooks and crannies in which thrush might be hiding. As an antiseptic and astringent, it will stop the infection and allow the hoof to grow healthy and strong.

How to Apply Outlaw Thrush Stuff
Always use clean gauze or cotton balls to the sulcus to cover the medication. Use a hoof pick to pack the gauze as deeply as possible into the sulcus without hurting the horse.
Change the packing every day for one to two weeks. You should not have any medication or packing on the sulcus only during exercise or riding sessions.
Depending on the thrush infection’s severity, the hoof could take several weeks to heal completely. Be patient and keep the hooves clean and treated with Outlaw Thrush Stuff.
Suggestions After Thrush has Healed
We also recommend using a bar shoe after the thrush has healed. If you previously used a standard horseshoe or no shoe on your horse’s hooves, you might want to consider switching to a bar shoe once the affliction has healed. In some cases, using a bar shoe has helped the frog regenerate after being trimmed and treated with Outlaw Thrush Stuff.
1) A bar shoe is a horseshoe with joined heels. It forms a continuous loop, usually made of either aluminum or steel.
2) Bar shoes can help improve ground contact, protect the hoof, and stabilize the overall hoof. This type of shoe should only be used in severe cases. Look for signs of pain. You can usually tell when a horse has hoof thrush based on the way it walks and reacts when you clean the hoof. A horse afflicted with thrush will show pain whenever pressure is applied to the area, which may result in limping or even lameness in severe cases.
3) In really advanced cases of thrush, the lower limb may swell up in response to the infection. If this happens, you must treat the thrush aggressively to ensure your horse can fully recover. Always consult a Veterinarian when lameness is present in your horse.